5:20 AM Missie Nahnah 1 Comments

Moringa Tree or  MLONGE as we call it in Swahili Language ,is one of the nutrient  plants in the world. When I say nutrient Plant I mean the Most Nutrient-rich Plant in the world. Moringa has been exploding in popularity lately and for good reason, it is generally regarded as one of the most useful trees in the world.
Moringa has a distinct taste that is difficult to describe, difficult to compare slightly sweet and slightly sharp like radishes.. Or simply amazing and delicious taste that is difficult to explain (OMG).
Moringa can be interm of Seeds, Oil, powder or Fresh. I prefer using Moringa powder
Using Moringa for the first time can temporarily cause diarrhea, due to the high concentration of antioxidants that cleans waste products from the digestive system. If this occurs, begin with a lower dosage and slowly build it up to the required dosage
Since I started using Moringa, I Use in almost everything hahaha… i mix in juice, yoghurt or food, it’s very delicious (I got used with the taste). Yes, you can use Moringa daily, 2 to 5 times per day; there are no known harmful side effects.
With Moringa leaf powder, Moringa tabl and/or Moringa capsules you can easily meet the daily dose requirements.
Moringa can be eaten in salads, smoothies, juices, sauces, soups and hot dishes. Can also be sprinkled over food, the same way as salt and pepper.
No side effects of moringa leaves have been reported. Hence, it can be safely consumed by children in porridge, pastas and breads to increase the nutrient content of meals
It is a natural flavor enhancer; it brings out the natural flavor of the food
What is more is that it is especially good for men and especially useful in healthy sexual functioning. It’s true! The amazing healing capabilities and borderline miraculous support that it provides to the human body makes this one of the easiest ways for men to support their sexual health while also, conveniently, boosting their overall health as well. Let’s breakdown the different ways that Moringa is good for both Humans
ü  gives energy
ü  Maintain Cholesterol Levels
ü  Increasing sex drive
ü  Increasing breast milk production
ü  Balances Hormones and Slows the Effects of Aging
ü  Protects and Nourishes the Skin
ü  Balances Blood Sugar Levels, Helping Fight Diabetes
ü  As a nutritional supplement
ü  Skin infections
ü  For Healthy Skin and Hair
ü  Immune Stimulator
ü  It is rich in vitamin A or beta-carotene and acts as an effective weapon against blindness.
ü  It Protects the liver
ü  It contains antimicrobial and ant bacterial properties

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